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Bus controller in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-06-03Updated:2024-06-03
Similar words: process controllercontrollercentral controllermain controllerdisk controllerelectronic controllermicrocontrollerdomain controller
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1 The design of PCI bus controller is mainly discussed.
2 The results of verification show that the PCI bus controller meets the anticipate goal in the functional specification and tim...
3 The multiplex bus controller(BC) plays aker- nel role among of terminals in modern avionics 1553B multiplex communication system.
4 The paper focuses on realizing each field bus controller and the mutual data conversion on FPGA chips.
5 The PCI Bus Controller IP is part of the IP library of Aviation Microelectronic Center.
6 Thirdly, combining MCU clip AT89C51 with bus controller SJA1000, an intelligent control CAN node for the experimental platform is designed.
7 An EC bus controller of high definition television ( HDTV ) based on MIPS IP core is presented.
8 The application of CAN BUS controller in milling machine was described, the design of hardware and software in driving control system was introduced.
9 A test controlling platform based on emulating bus controller is necessary for the maintenance test of equipment in airborne integrated communication system.
10 The microchip controls the CAN BUS controller to transmit the data.
11 The SOC design and implementation of the spacecraft system bus was studied, for example of the 1553B bus controller.
12 Digital outputs can be controlled from the front panel or from the bus controller.
13 Based on the research of boundary scan and cluster test, a cluster test system is designed with test Bus controller chip,( then it is verified with the GNS algorithm of W-A.
14 Its premise is PCI Bus Specification and its sticking point is to analysis the function and architecture of PCI Bus Controller.
15 The modern avionics communication system is constructed on the network of MIL-STD-1553B multiplex transmission data bus. The most important in 1553B network is bus controller(BC).
16 FPGA is regarded as DMA controller, acquisition controller and BUS controller.
17 Crash is caused by an interrupt from a external device, such as an I/O bus controller.
18 The top-down design methodology is used to realize the PCI bus controller.
19 The forth part is about CAN bus network application layer protocol, which was invented independently, with the support of the SJA1000 bus controller.
20 With the increase of city bus in demand for servings, the traditional bus controller can no longer meet the increasing complex requirements.
21 This article introduced the realization course of the MIC bus controller which based on the ISA bus.
More similar words: process controllercontrollercentral controllermain controllerdisk controllerelectronic controllermicrocontrollerdomain controllerdevice controllersystem controllermemory controllermaster controllerinterface controllerautomatic controllercontinuous controlfuzzy logic controllerintelligent controllerprogrammable controllercontrolleduncontrolledcontrol levercontrolled economycontrolled conditionstate-controlledradio-controlledAccess Control Listcontrolled systemremote-controlledcontrolled substancecontrolled variable
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